
Daughters, I have made you in my image because I chose you to look like me. I want to be in relationship with each of you. I want to hear your heart and have you tell me what concerns you. Let me mend the broken places and heal the scars of disappointment.

My desire for you is for you to know Me and know that I have plans for you. My Kingdom is wrapped up in you. I will use your hands and feet, your mind and hearts, your skills and talents, your smiles and tears, your words and intentions. I do not need you to be popular, prosperous or well-positioned. I need you to trust me and be willing.

I have put you here for this time and in this place to partner with me. My promise will be fulfilled through the work of your willing hands. Not on things you choose because you’re good at them, but on things that seem impossible. I am the Way Maker. If it was easy for you, why would you need me?

Prepare your hearts. Prepare your hands. 
What have I put in front of you?

Your children are your mission field. 
Your marriage is My priority.
Your peace is in Me.

Spend time with me in My Word. Spend time with Me in prayer. Spend time with Me with your pen.

And I will fill you — with peace. with purpose. with power to do what I ask

A willing and ready spirit with faith to believe we can bring the Kingdom to earth — that is what I want to see in my girls.

Warrior Women — women who aren’t afraid of messy people. women who see others. women who are not undone by adversity.

Teach your children to Come to Me. Teach them that I want to hear their hearts. Teach them to believe that all things are possible through Christ.

~ Christi Vander Voort

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash