
I’ve got a birthday coming up. Sometimes, like the New Year, birthdays can make us reflective. Or they can feel daunting as we think about turning another year older ðŸ˜‰
… But just think – where were you 5 years ago? 10 years ago? What does today look like? What might your next year look like? What are you saying Yes to or No to these days?

🗒 Take 5 or 10 minutes today and write in your journal, or your Notes app on your phone, the answer to a few of these questions. When I wrote out where I was 10 years ago, … wow!, how much has changed?! Back then, how much could not have been predicted about my life today??
Time flies, except for when it doesn’t. 😂 Some of those days, weeks and months from the last 10 years were agony. Time went SLOW and days were hard. Crushing blows. Truly sleepless nights. But other days were totally awesome and fulfilling and I saw my God given gifts in action.

So let that sober you and encourage you! A lot happens in a year, in 10 years! As I am about to start another year, by God’s grace, I am praising Him for the opportunities ahead but also the challenges and growth and goodness that’s behind me.

~ Jillian Combs

Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash