
“May God grant us faith to completely trust His Word, even when every other sign points the other way.” ~ C.H.P.

I love to sit with a cup of coffee while the world is waking up…propped up in bed! There, I said it. My weekdays typically start at 5:30 in the morning when my husband puts a few pillows behind my back, hands me my glasses, then coffee. He sits in the old white chair we rescued from his grandmother’s farm near the end of the bed, and we start our day. He’s had nearly an hour to clear out the cobwebs and make sense of the world. I usually struggle to keep up.

Once our first cup is finished, he let’s out the dog and I head downstairs to read, listen, and pray. This morning was no different.

I opened my favorite devotional, Streams in the Desert, and read the quote above. The question rushed in and I felt uneasy being alone with God. Do I really trust you? Will I purposefully shift my weight and lean into You?

I’m really not a worrier or an anxious person, but friends, my nerves are shot! I don’t think human beings are wired for this much chaos. So I told Him that.

Right as I put the period on my thought, just like the question came into my mind before, He gave me this picture of shipwrecked boats sitting on mucky sand – awkward and lost. And then the tide started coming back in!

When we put our trust in God – lean not on our own understanding – we hand over the fear of the unknown and then peace can flow in like a calm, dependable tide that puts boats back where they belong.

Jesus said, “My peace I give you,” in John 14:27. God’s promises are real. And if He said he give us peace, it will happen.

Are your nerves frazzled from the chaos? Is your anxiety at an all-time high?

There is a place of peace for you. A comfy chair with your name on it right next to the Prince of Peace. He’s sent the invitation and He’s waiting expectantly for you to open it and come.

“Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Friends, shift your weight and lean in. Shut off the news. Stop scrolling. Open your Bibles. Grab a pen and paper, and ask the Holy Sprit what He wants to say to you. Write it down and let His rhema words fill you with peace.

– Christi Vander Voort

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash