
Early in January I shared that my focus for this year is to fall madly in love with Jesus. Jesus has been in my heart ever since I can remember. I probably accepted him at Sunday school when I was very young. I feel very lucky to have Christian parents who led the way to Jesus.

But this year I want it to go deeper.

If you’re new around here maybe you’re unaware of how single I am. Well, I’ll just say again, I am very single! The past 5 years have been crazy watching all of my friends get married and start families. I’ve spent a lot of time with bitterness in my heart towards God wondering where that is for me.

What I’m yearning for is a love story. Someone who will stand by my side, love me unconditionally, and no matter my faults, choose me every day.

As I started thinking about what I wanted 2021 to be about, ideally it would include love. It would include God bringing a man into my life that would give me everything I listed above.

But here’s the deal: I am not promised a husband. 

And I want to be 100% ok with that. I’ll admit that I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it.

So I decided that in 2021 I am going to fall madly, head over heels in love with Jesus. Maybe you’re wondering what that looks like. Well, I am too!

I’m praying everyday for God to reveal to me what that means, but for now, these are the things I’ve committed to:

  • Surrounding myself with others who love Jesus. I actually just found a mentor (she’s been my disciple crush for a while) to meet with regularly and I am PUMPED!
  • Commit to reading the Bible consistently. I want to know what God’s voice sounds like and that means I need to meet with Him daily.
  • Pray without ceasing. At the end of the day, I want to reflect on the ways that I could have invited God into more of my day. I want Him to be present always, but I want to pick out moments and situations where I should have prayed and asked for guidance or help.

For now, this is how I’m going to be falling madly in love with Jesus. I’ll keep you posted on the other ways God shares with me!

– Lauren McDonald

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash