
About 12 1/2 years ago I got my foot caught between a boat and a dock on a very windy day and when I pulled it out I tore many of the ligaments in my ankle. Looking back, I’m thankful I didn’t lose my foot in the accident. 

Then six months after that I was in San Antonio, Texas, at a golf course and we stopped to get some ice teas. I was carrying them down the steps as I was looking around to try to see where Bill had parked the cart. I caught my shoe on the ridges of the steps and proceeded to roll down the cement stairs, breaking my leg in four places.

I flew home with my leg broken and in an air cast. I had surgery to put a rod and screws in that leg and now had a cast and crutches for the next 12 weeks. Bill was amazing as he took such great care of me as I healed.

I share this to bring up what love looks like as the years go by. It’s different from the romantic, idealistic, young love that we often start our marriage with. Our nature is to look out for ourselves and to get what we want when we want it. But love changes when you care for the other person and help them however you can. 

That young love deepens as the years go by as you walk through the ups and downs of life together. Jesus taught us about a different kind of love, a servant love that focuses more on the needs of others than on our own needs. 

After Jesus washed the disciples feet, a job for a servant, He said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you (Luke 13:15).” We show what true love really is when we serve one another (In our marriages, our families, our neighborhoods, at work and in our churches) and follow Jesus’ example. I have found that as we have the opportunity to serve and love others that way our hearts are filled with His love and joy.

– Pat Estes
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash