
I’m reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson, because my parents are. I wanted to have something to talk about the next time we were over for supper so I picked up the book at our local thrift shop. Little did I know that this easy-reader would be packed with practical ways to pray and proof to back it up.

The big idea of the book is this: Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. Pray circles around your prayers and don’t stop until you have an answer.

In chapter nine, the author shared how he had walked by a crack house hundreds of times while praying a circle around Capitol Hill fifteen years earlier and never noticed the dilapidated cinder block building just blocks from our nation’s capitol.

“But as I walked by it this particular time, it was like a dream was conceived in my spirit by the Holy Spirit: This crack house would make a great coffeehouse.

Can you guess what he did next?

Yep! He commenced walking and praying circles around the property with God’s idea to turn the abandoned building into a modern-day well where people gathered to hang out. It took eight years of persistent praying through opposing neighbors, asking to change city code, and trusting God for the downpayment, BUT, it worked.

Ebenezer’s Coffeehouse has been voted the #1 coffeehouse in the D.C. metro area. Mark says his favorite place to pray is on the rooftop of this miracle.

“Do you have a favorite place to pray? A place where you get better reception? A place where your mind is more focused? A place where you have more faith?

I took Mark’s questions to heart and decided to write down the miracles that Jeff and I have experienced in our nearly 33 years of marriage together, in order to start praying on top of what God has already done for us. We’re at 23 and counting! It’s hard not to pray with faith when you have proof that God is for you.

Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? Make your list of miracles and start praying circles. Here’s a list to build on:

  • heal our land
  • unity in our country
  • a doctor’s diagnosis
  • a wayward child
  • overcoming loneliness
  • fear and anxiety
  • a strong marriage
  • financial stability
  • that book you want to write or business you want to start

God isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is waiting for us to take him at his word and ask – and keep asking. The Lifetime Remedy team would love to join you in your circle-making prayers. Use the comments to let us know how we can pray.

– Christi Vander Voort

The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson is a New York Times Bestseller. Mark serves as the lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C.

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash