
Last week our little girl turned TWO! 🎂 The night before Mercy’s birthday I felt a mix of happy and sad. It was her last night being one, and while I love who she is becoming as a “big girl,” I also love her as a baby. 
A few nights earlier, she was crying in her crib so I went in her room to rock her. She went right back to sleep when I held her. I just sat there and wished I could photograph her sweet sleeping face. She’s so pretty. And I knew that soon this rocking and quiet time with her would be over because we were moving her to a new room and a new bed as we need her crib for Little Brother. I won’t be ABLE to even lift her after my c-section. And I will be up with Judah instead. Happy and sad.

I shared this with a friend and she replied, “Time has no respect for a mother’s heart.” Whew. That’s the truth.
Of course, this happy and sad will continue over a lifetime of parenting. But what an interesting mix of feelings to just sit with. Happy and sad. The close of one chapter and the start of another. ❤️

Can anyone else relate? We mommas need to walk with each other through the happy and sad – we women are meant to be in relationships!

~ Jillian Combs